Mr. Xie Shunxing, the President of CN-KnowHow, has been selected and rewarded as senior expert in State IP Strategy expert base by the State Intellectual Property Strategy Planning Team. The selected experts would be invited to participate in strategic advice, consultation and evaluation of State Intellectual Property issues, an……[MORE]

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Beijing Head Office Address: 20th Floor, West Tower, Ginza Harmonious Plaza, No.68 Wanfeng Rd, Feng Tai District, Beijing, China 100161 Tel: +86-10-6219-6988 English Hotline: +86-10-6219-9070 Fax: +86-10-6219-8011 E-mail: Wuhan Branch Office: 24th Floor, Building 6, Modern International Design City No.3, Guannan ……[MORE]
Attorney at Law
Attorney-at-law Zhao Ailing Dual B.Sc Attorney at Law / Patent Attorney Wang Ying Master Attorney at Law / Former Examiner Wang Zhenguo B. Sc Attorney at Law &n
Trademark Agent
Trademark Agent Su Min B. Sc Trademark Agent Zhang Ran B. Sc Trademark Agent Yang Xinyue Master Trademark Agent Shi &nbs
Patent Attorney
Patent Attorneys Xie Shunxing Biotechnology, Pharmaceutics, Food SciencePatent Attorney / Former Examiner Wang Ying Electrical & Electronics, Semiconductor, Computer Patent Attorney / Former Examiner/ Attorney at Law