EDUCATION B. S. in Mechanical Design and Theory M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering LANGUAGE English Xuan Wang Associate | Patent Attorney Meet Xuan, an accomplished patent attorney whose expertise lies at the intersection of mechanical ingenuity and technological innovation. With an ardor for her craft, Xuan’s specialization……[MORE]

Chen, Yujing
EDUCATION B. S. in Chemistry M.S. in Polymeric Chemistry LANGUAGE Japanese Yujing Chen Associate | Patent Attorney Meet Yujing, a distinguished patent attorney with an impressive track record in the field of intellectual property. With a Master’s degree in Science and the attainment of her Patent Attorney Qualification in ……[MORE]
Cao, Huigai
EDUCATION B. Eng. in Chemical Engineering M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering LANGUAGE English Huigai Cao Associate | Patent Attorney Transitioning from a translator to an accomplished Patent Attorney at CN-KnowHow, Huigai’s career spans seven enriching years. Her prowess extends across a diverse array of fields, ranging from……[MORE]
Bao, Chunlei
EDUCATION B. Eng. in Mechanical Engineering M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering LANGUAGE Japanese, English Chunlei Bao Senior Associate | Patent Attorney Meet Chunlei, a seasoned patent attorney with a profound passion for machinery manufacturing and automation. His expertise extends into the captivating realm of robotics and auton……[MORE]
Ao, Lian
EDUCATION B. Eng in Thermal and Power Engineering LANGUAGE Japanese Lian Ao Partner | Patent Attorney Meet Lian, an accomplished patent attorney with extensive experience in the field. With a primary focus on mechanical engineering and electronic engineering, Lian possesses comprehensive knowledge and expertise in these domains.……[MORE]