B. S. in Chemistry
M.S. in Polymeric Chemistry
Yujing Chen
Associate | Patent Attorney
Meet Yujing, a distinguished patent attorney with an impressive track record in the field of intellectual property. With a Master’s degree in Science and the attainment of her Patent Attorney Qualification in 2018, Yujing is not only highly educated but also deeply skilled in a range of intellectual property endeavors.
Yujing’s expertise spans a broad spectrum of intellectual property tasks, encompassing new application drafting, responding to office actions, crafting public opinions, facilitating PPH (Patent Prosecution Highway) applications, and more. Among her notable strengths lies her exceptional proficiency in handling Japanese patent applications, an area that is poised to be a pivotal focus in the forthcoming competition within the realm of intellectual property among nations. In her engagements with foreign-related matters, particularly Japanese patent application work, Yujing remains at the forefront of cutting-edge technological advancements across diverse industries—a responsibility she embraces with unwavering passion. Her journey in the realm of intellectual property commenced in 2009, and over the course of 14 years, Yujing has steered close to 1500 cases with precision and acumen.
Outside the corridors of intellectual property, Yujing leads an equally fulfilling life. She finds solace and rejuvenation in activities such as mountain climbing, hiking, and travel. The natural world serves as her canvas for self-discovery and inner tranquility, a testament to her multifaceted spirit.