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Vice Mayor of Beijing, Mr Dai Junliang visited CN-KnowHow for IP work investigation

On September of 10th
 , Vice Mayor of Beijing, Mr Dai Junliang, paid a visit to CN-KnowHow
 for conducting the IP work investigation of strengthening intellectual
 property application and protection. Director of Beijing IP Office Mr
 Wang Hong and deputy director Mr Wang Shuxian accompanied the visit.

 the investigation meeting, President of CN-KnowHow, Mr Xie Shunxing,
 presented the service of CN-KnowHow and a special topic regarding to
how  to combine IP agent with innovation development. At the same time,
Mr.  Xie also provided some recommendations about development of IP
services  industry and the industrial structure adjustments.

 Dai highly acknowledged achievements of CN-KnowHow after the report,
 and indicated that Beijing municipal government and relevant
departments  will fully support intellectual property services promoting
 sophisticated industries in Beijing and developing IP-intensive
 industries. Director of Beijing IP Office Mr. Wang and deputy director
 Mr. Wang also said they will arrange meeting with relevant departments
 as soon as possible for discussion and implementation of the
 recommendations and the indications Mr Xie and Mr Dai raised.

Vice president Mr. Wang Pengfei and Zhang Jing also attended the investigation meeting.