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CN-KnowHow was elected by ALB as “TOP leading firms in CHINA”

 May of 2014, the world’s leading law magazine Asian Law  Business
(ALB)  published “ALB’s Asia IP Rankings 2014”. CN-KnowHow was honored
 to be  selected as “TOP leading firms in CHINA”.

 which is owned by Thomson Reuters, is the world’s leading  source of
 intelligent information for business and professionals. ALB drew  
information from firm submissions, interviews, market suggestions and
 other  editorial resources to identify and rank the top firms for
 intellectual property  across Asia. Being selected as one of top
leading  firms in China has  acknowledged not only the professional
services,  but also the Asia and  international influence of CN-KowHow.
This  acknowledgment will encourage  CN-KnowHow to create more values
and to  serve our clients with sincerer attitude  and more efficient
services in  the future.