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President of CN-KnowHow IP Group, Mr. Xie Shunxing was elected as a member of first session of SAC/TC554.

 5th of December 2014, Standardization Administration of the P.R.C
(SAC)  announced the establishment of the National Technical Committee
554 on  Intellectual Property and Knowledge Management Standardization
 Administration of China (hereinafter SAC/TC554). At the same time, SAC
 published the member list of first session of SAC/TC554. President of
 CN-KnowHow IP Group, Mr. Xie Shunxing, was elected as a member of first
 session of SAC/TC554.

 establishment of SAC/TC554 is approved by SAC for technical work.
 SAC/TC554 is responsible for national intellectual property management
 (creation, utilization, protection and management), conventional
 knowledge protection and management, revision of national standards for
 knowledge management and other areas. Members of SAC/TC554 were
elected  through recommendation by experts in the field of knowledge
management  and appointment by SAC.

 has been engaged in intellectual property field more than 20 years
with  a wealth of theoretical and practical experience within the IPR
 protection. Under the leadership of President Mr. Xie, CN-KnowHow was
 rated as “National Outstanding Patent Agency” and “Beijing Outstanding
 Patent Agency” for three consecutive years, and also identified as the
 first batch of Counseling and Mentoring Organization for IP Standard
 Implementation. Being elected as a member of SAC/TC554 not only
reflects  the acknowledgement of CN-KnowHow, but also plays a positive
role for  CN_KnowHow to promote service of standardization knowledge