On June 8, Mr. Xie Shunxing , president of CN-KnowHow Intellectual Property Agent Ltd., was elected one member of Panel for Industry Committee of Beijing Intellectual Property Office Conference, along with Mr. Yang Qixun, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Li Shunde, vice-director and professor of Intellectual Proper……[MORE]
月度归档: 2016年3月
CN-KnowHow had Accomplished Research Project on the IP strategy for SANYUAN GROUP CORP
The closing ceremony for Research Report on IP Strategy for Beijing SANYUAN Group Corp. was held at SANYUAN Group Corp. on June 2nd, 2006. Many important people, such as Mr. Bao Zongye, President of SANYUAN Group Corp., relevant Officials from SIPO (State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.C) and SASAC (State-owned Assets ……[MORE]
Experts From CN-KnowHow Were Invited to Lecture for 2006-Beijing Intellectual Property Training Program Related to Biopharmaceutics
2006-Beijing Intellectual Property Training Program Related to Biopharmaceutics, which was sponsored by State Intellectual Property Office and Beijing Municipal Bureau of Industrial Development, was held at Beijing University of Technology on May 24 &25,2006. Both Mr. Xie Shunxing and Ms. Yang L……[MORE]
Experts from CN-KnowHow Represented a Lecture on 2006-Beijing Intellectual Property Training Program Related to Agriculture by Invitation
2006-Beijing Intellectual Property Training Program Related to Agriculture, which was sponsored by Beijing Municipal committee of rural affair and Beijing municipal Intellectual Property Office, was held at Beijing University of Technology on May 17 &18, 2006. Among the experts, Mr. Xie Shunxing……[MORE]
A Belgium company, Hortibreed Ltd. had a visit to CN-KnowHow
The Floréac group is a family business in horticulture, is market leader in Belgium and one of the leading European horticultural companies. The Floréac group consists of the holding Floré nv and a number of companies including Hortibreed Ltd., specialized in 4 core activities: breeding and young plant production, production of ……[MORE]