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G8 Outreach Session will Focus on Issues Such as the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Chinese President Hu Jintao arrived in Berlin Wednesday to attend the outreach session of the Group of Eight (G8) summit slated for Friday in Heiligendamm, northern Germany. The outreach session will focus on issues such as the world economy, the protection of intellectual property rights, freedom of investment, ener......[MORE]
Experts from CN-KnowHow were invited to speak in the Seminar on IPRs in China and Korea
Our  members, including president XIE Shunxing and legal counselor YANG  Jinqi from CN-KnowHow Intellectual Property Agent Ltd. were invited by  the Korean Patent Attorney Association (KPAA) and participated in the  Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights in China and Korea taken place on May 16, 20......[MORE]
XIE, Shunxing was invited to speak in Tokyo Institute of Technology
President XIE of CN-KnowHow Intellectual Property Agent Ltd., who is taking a business trip in Japan,  was invited to speak in Tokyo Institute of Technology on April 14, 2007  with a topic on the Protection Situation of Intellectual Property  Rights in Automobile Industry in China.The speech was encompasse......[MORE]
Foton Lovol Heavy Industrial Equipment Company invites CN-KnowHow to Lecture on Intellectual Property
Jan.  13, 2007. CN-KnowHow Intellectual Property Agent’s President XIE,  Shunxing. The trademark department’s manager, Ms. Yang, accepted Foton  Lovol Heavy Industrial Equipment Company’s invitation to train its  personnel.In order to improve the company’s management of personnel, the  ......[MORE]
President XIE Shunxing was invited to speak in Korea
Per invitation of the Rural Development Association Korea, a speech on "Summary on Intellectual Property Rights Protection Concerning the China Agriculture" was carried out by Mr. XIE Shunxing, the president of CN-KnowHow Intellectual Property Agent Ltd. The speech was taken place in Korea on December 11, 200......[MORE]